On mission to feed flood victims
03/02/2015, The Star
Ever-willing to assist: Volunteers sharing a light moment as they help out at one of the 12 packing stations.

A TOTAL of 160 volunteers from IOI Group came together at IOI City Mall Putrajaya to pack 70,000 meals in less than two hours.

The meal packets worth RM70,000 were sponsored by IOI Group as part of the IOI-Stop Hunger Now’s Meal Packaging Event 2015.

The nutritious meals were distributed to flood victims by Malaysian Red Crescent Society (MRCS) and the Kelantan Foundation For The Disabled, more commonly known as Yokuk Foundation.

“IOI is pleased to partner the Stop Hunger Now Charitable Association in this meal-packing event to raise awareness on the global hunger epidemic besides doing our part in support of our fellow Malaysians affected by the recent floods.

“The event also marks our continuous drive in pursuing meaningful community partnerships and making a positive presence in the environment in which we operate in,” said IOI Corporation Bhd chief executive officer Datuk Lee Yeow Chor.

Stop Hunger Now Charitable Association, an international hunger relief agency, created its meal packaging programme in 2005, which involved the packing of rice, soy, dehydrated vegetables and a flavouring mix, including 23 essential vitamins and minerals, into small meal packets to be distributed to those in need.

At the event, the volunteers were divided into 12 groups, with each group of 13 people manning an assembly line in the meal packaging process.

Teamwork was the order of the day to reach the goal of 70,000 meal packets.

A gong sounded at every 10,000th meal packed. Within two hours, the grand sound of the gong signalled “Mission Accomplished” and there were cheers from everyones.

“Volunteerism is very much encouraged within the core of IOI Group, and today’s turnout has validated our CSR effort in bridging our employees to the needs of the community.

“Some even brought their spouses and children to help, and I am very much encouraged to see the enthusiasm in every one,” said Lee.

He later presented the packed meals to MRCS and Yokuk Foundation representatives.

Lee also presented a mock cheque for RM70,000 to Stop Hunger Now Charitable Association president Tiki Keh, who expressed his gratitude to IOI Group for supporting the global movement to end hunger.

This event formed a part of IOI Group’s CSR initiatives.

Most of the group’s corporate philanthropy activities are undertaken by the IOI Foundation (formerly known as Yayasan Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng), a charitable foundation fully funded by the group.