IOI Corporation Berhad’s response to RSPO findings on the Finnwatch Report
19/12/2014, Corporate Communications

With regard to the Finnwatch Report entitled “Corporate responsibility of Finnish palm oil purchases”, the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) has carried out an investigation at the three IOI estates to verify the comments/allegations made in the report. Its findings found “no evidence of infringement of the RSPO Principle and Criteria or National Legislation”.

As a member of RSPO, IOI Corporation Berhad (IOI) accepts the findings and recommendations made by RSPO on 15 December 2014, and has formulated a time-bound action plan to further improve on its operations and policies. The action plan addresses issues related to foreign workers’ recruitment, travel documents, minimum wage regulation, and freedom of association. In addition, IOI will continue to conduct periodical maintenance and upgrading of its workers’ quarters which are in compliance with the Workers’ Minimum Standards of Housing and Amenities Act (1990).

IOI remains focused in its efforts to run a business that is competitive, yet sustainable, within the industry landscape. As outlined in its Sustainability Policy Statement, IOI subscribes to the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights and provides fair and equal employment opportunities for all employees regardless of nationality, race and religion. This is in line with IOI’s long-held commitment to achieve a balanced development for the people and the planet.

Too Heng Liew
Head of Sustainability (Malaysia/Indonesia)
IOI Corporation Berhad
19 December 2014