IOI Corporation Berhad’s Statement in Response to the Article “Indonesia Hits Back to Malaysia Over Forest Fires”
13/09/2019, Corporate Communications
IOI Corporation Berhad (IOI) refers to an article published by Reuters entitled “Indonesia hits back at Malaysia over forest fires” dated 13 September 2019, which highlighted that land belonging to PT Sukses Karya Sawit (PT SKS), a subsidiary company of IOI in Indonesia, has been sealed off by the Indonesian’s authority.

To date, PT SKS has not received any official notification on the matter. PT SKS has been on high alert and has put in place measures to deal with the dry weather and the risk of fire. We were able to quickly extinguish several small fires that have occurred over the last couple of months and have assisted other companies and villagers to respond to fires on our neighbouring lands. PT SKS has dedicated substantial resources, including equipment and personnel, for surveillance, fire-prevention and fire-fighting purposes.

In all these efforts, we continuously work closely with the local authorities, involving them in joint exercises and reporting fire incidences to them promptly.