IOI Corporation shares updates on its action plan in response to Finnwatch Report
27/05/2015, Corporate Communications

In December 2014, IOI Corporation Berhad (IOI) developed a time-bound action plan to address issues highlighted in the Finnwatch report titled “Corporate responsibility of Finnwatch palm-oil purchases”.

Following a statement dated 29 April 2015 in response to RSPO’s statement dated 9 April, IOI wishes to share the latest updates on its time-bound action plan [please click here ] . These updates confirm that IOI has internally communicated and implemented all the measures stated in the action plan as of 31 March 2015.

As it continues to monitor the implementation of the measures stated in its action plan, IOI is also working closely with the RSPO to ensure full compliance with its Principles and Criteria on its certified mills and plantations. IOI remains focused in its efforts to run a business that is sustainable and competitive within the industry landscape.