Joint-Statement on Progress Regarding the Ketapang Complaint
29/07/2016, Corporate Communications

Following a meeting held in Bogor on the 25 - 26 July 2016, Aidenvironment represented by Mr. Peter de Haan, Executive Director, Pak Adriani, Director Indonesia, Mr. Eric Wakker, Director Asia Pacific, Haryono Sadikin, HCV expert and Ivan Valentina Ageung, Legal expert, and IOI represented by Dato’ Foong Lai Choong, Group Plantation Director, Dr. Surina Ismail, Group Head of Sustainability, Mr. Goh Hock Sin, Head of Operations, Indonesia, Ms. Yeo Lee Nya, Senior Manager, Sustainability, Plantation and Pak Bonar Simarmata, Manager, Public Affair Department, jointly declare to have made significant progress in resolving the Ketapang complaint case. The following main actions were agreed:

a) IOI will submit to Aidenvironment, a list of Actions based on the discussions of 25 – 26 July 2016, by 12 August 2016 for review. The list of Actions will incorporate all key legal and environmental issues discussed. After finalisation of the list of Actions, a field verification trip is scheduled for late August/early September, followed by a high level management meeting;

b) IOI will immediately commence the removal of all ‘overplanted’ oil palms, upon the Ministry of Forestry and Environment’s confirmation of the local government order to do so as of November 2009. The removal includes all plantings thereafter;

c) IOI will have in place all legally required fire prevention and mitigation measures, and commences the implementation of an integrated peat, HCV and HCS rehabilitation and management plan throughout all subsidiaries of the SNA Group;

d) IOI will engage Stakeholders in the immediate vicinity of the SNA Group subsidiaries to jointly develop and implement landscape approaches that contribute to effective fire prevention and mitigation and peat and biodiversity conservation;

e) Adjusted concession boundaries for SNA-Group subsidiaries will be made publicly available for external monitoring. Meanwhile, IOI will tangibly document its corrective actions and makes these publicly available for verification.

f) Other concerns, such as the Long Teran Kanan case in Sarawak, the development of PT KPAM and IOI Group’s Third Party Suppliers are integral part of follow up proceedings.

Stakeholders are hereby informed that final resolution between both parties hinges on the settlement of complaint item b) above and subsequent actions on the ground, if any.

Aidenvironment thanks IOI for its constructive entry into our dialogue and for having made available key documentation not previously available during complaint proceedings. IOI appreciates Aidenvironment for offering rules-based perspectives, along with potential solutions and approaches not previously considered.

Both parties commit to continue bilateral talks and discussions, irrespective of RSPO’s decisions.

Kuala Lumpur and Bogor, 28 July 2016