Switch Off and Celebrate Earth Hour 2015
24/03/2015, Corporate Communications

Since 2009, IOI Group has made a united stand to support Earth Hour, a green movement initiated by WWF to raise awareness about climate change. This move is in line with our long-term commitment to sustainable development and reduction of environmental footprint of our operations.

This year, the Earth Hour’s theme of “Use Your Power to Change Climate Change” emphasises the power to reduce consumption of power, water and other natural resources. Switching the lights off for 60 minutes may seem like a small act but together, it leads to significant impacts.

We would like to encourage all IOI employees, customers and tenants to join us in this inspiring global celebration by switching off unnecessary lights and electronic appliances for an hour on Saturday, 28 March 2015 from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm. Non-essential lights at IOI headquarters, manufacturing plants, malls and hotels will also be switched off. In addition, IOI subsidiaries will be organising green activities to commemorate Earth Hour.

All of us can play a role to build a more sustainable future. Let’s make a difference and use your power to change climate change!