At IOI Corporation Berhad (IOI), we strive to continuously improve the quality of our engagement with stakeholders. Our objective is to communicate more effectively, mainly by being open, transparent and more proactive.
In this section, we provide background information and regular updates on the issues that are of the highest interest to our customers, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), local communities and other stakeholders.
We continuously engage with our key stakeholders which encompasses IOI’s internal workforce, customers, communities, suppliers, regulators including governmental bodies, shareholders and investors as well as industries association and civil societies. Constant engagements with our stakeholders enable us to understand their concerns and expectation with respect to specific sustainability topics, identification of sustainability material matters and our effectiveness in addressing their material issues. This process enables IOI to evaluate and addresses risks and opportunities which may influence our sustainability performance. We will then act on the inputs to assess our current sustainability practices and make the necessary improvements. The means and frequency through which we engage with our stakeholder, address their key concerns and our response are disclose in the following links below:
Major Engagement conducted throughout the year: