A two-day supply chain compliance workshop was held at IOI headquarters on 28 and 29 March 2019. The workshop was conducted by NGO Aidenvironment and was attended by representatives from the IOI Corporation Berhad (IOIC)’s commodity marketing team, corporate and plantation sustainability teams, IOI Edible Oil’s procurement and logistic team and IOI Oleochemical’s sustainability team with additional participation from several suppliers who are the important stakeholders in IOI’s supply chain compliance.
Aidenvrionment is a NGO that provide consultancy services that advocates the transformation of the palm oil industry in delivering sustainable palm oil and ensuring compliance towards the No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation (NDPE) Policy by mapping areas within the palm oil supply chain and monitoring landscape via satellite images.
IOIC Head of Group Commodity Marketing Mr Lim Jit Uei gave a warm welcome to the participants at the opening of the workshop. The Aidenvironment team that comprises Wakker, Chris Wiggs, Ihwan Rafina, Auriane Germémont and Afif Fakhruzzi presented informative sessions on supply chain compliance towards meeting the current global requirements of palm oil buyers along with IOIC’s own policy commitments.
In addition, the workshop also highlighted the utilisation of a public grievance log to register and document complaints and the importance of a monitoring systems to check on changes of forest and peat.
Aidenvironment presented several case studies on how high-profile companies that fell short of meeting the NDPE requirements can transform by implementing systems that will enable its re-entry into the palm oil supply chain. It commented that these companies were very responsive and have made good progresses and believed that a stepwise re-admittance into the market will encourage them to continue on the transformation journey.
On the second day, Pak Ihwan Rafina guided IOIC’s employees on how to navigate the WebGIS platform for monitoring IOIC’s supply chain. All participants were given a detailed step-by-step explanations and instructions into the platform features which currently houses a collection of concession maps and mill locations that will enable easier monitoring of any changes on the ground.
Moving forward, IOIC will continue to uphold its NDPE policy which is already embedded into IOI Sustainable Palm Oil Policy (SPOP) and to ensure all its suppliers are complying with the policies.
IOIC Head of Group Commodity Marketing, Mr Lim Jit Uei giving his opening address.
Attendees paying attention to presentation by Aidenvironment at the workshop.