On 25 April 2017, a meeting was held to explore the Terms of Reference (ToR) for an independent IOI Sustainability Advisory Panel (SAP). The meeting was constructive and a number of clear recommendations for the ToR were discussed and put forward about the scope and role as well as the mandate and independence of the panel. The terms will now be drawn up and, subject to agreement by attendees, the SAP will be officially constituted. A further meeting has been scheduled for 16 June, in London.
Attendees at the meeting included, Johan Verburg, Advisor Inclusive Value Chains, Oxfam Novib (Observer), M.R. Chandran, Independent Expert, David McLaughlin, VP Agriculture, WWF-U.S, and Adrian Suharto, Manager, Sustainability and Public Affairs, Neste Oil (Observer). Their participation does not reflect an endorsement of the company.
Summary of the meeting notes can be viewed here.