IOI Edible Oils Sdn Bhd (IOIEO) hosted 53 participants from 36 mills in Sandakan during August 2019 at a workshop covering NDPE requirements, No deforestation, No peat and No exploitation, to support suppliers towards delivering sustainable palm oil.
- Presentation of 2018 results from suppliers’ self- assessment using Tools for Transformation by Earthworm Foundation (EF) to determine suppliers’ readiness to meet NDPE requirements;
- Enhance supply chain awareness towards safeguarding High Carbon Stock Forest, High Conservation Values and Peat;
- The value and importance of traceability information for the monitoring of any land use changes that do not comply with our NDPE commitments and towards mitigating any potential risk;
- Workers’ welfare and rights; and
- Children in Plantation.
The most interesting event of the day was the opportunity for each participant to improve their understanding of social issues concerning children living in the plantations, the potential risks and how to make changes and transform any existing situation. In addition, EF distributed a directory* consisting of alternative education centres, services for vulnerable children and a list of supporting civil societies working in this domain.
“ … Children are innocent and are not aware of dangers and do not understand their rights. We, as adults have a duty and responsibilities to safeguard and protect them …."
Mr Shyam Lakshmanan, General Manager of IOIEO