As a part of IOI Corporation Berhad’s (IOI) continuous efforts to support our suppliers towards delivering the No Deforestation, No New Planting on Peat and No Social Exploitation (NDPE) commitments, we are sharing the transformational journey of our third-party suppliers in adopting and progressively improving their practices according to our Sustainable Palm Oil Policy (SPOP) and Responsible Sourcing Guidelines.
This update is our second release in 2023, where the 2022 Tools for Transformation (T4T) self-assessment results were analysed. We covered four areas here, namely i) No New Development on Peat, ii) Workers’ Rights to Freedom of Association, iii) Child Labour and Child Protection Risks, and iv) Traceability and Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB) Supplier Data.
Similar to update No. 1, IOI has invited 106 suppliers/millers supplying directly to IOI Edible Oils (IOIEO) refinery in Sandakan and IOI Pan-Century Edible Oils (IOI PCEO) in Johor. The T4T self-assessment was also extended to our tier-2 suppliers. Invitations were sent through our tier-1 direct suppliers.

Please find the full update here.