Lee Yeow Seng

Non-Independent Non-Executive Director
Malaysian, Age 45, Male

Date of Appointment

  1. 3 June 2008

Committee Membership

  1. Nil


  1. LLB (Honours), King’s College, London
  2. Barrister-at-law from Bar of England & Wales, Inner Temple

Relevant Experience

  1. Involved in corporate affairs and general management within IOI Group prior to the demerger and listing of IOI Properties Group Berhad
  2. Served at the London and Singapore offices of a leading international financial services group for approximately two (2) years

Directorship of Other Listed Issuers/Public Companies

  1. Other Listed Issuer
    – Chief Executive Officer of IOI Properties Group Berhad
  2. Non-Profit Public Companies
    – Trustee of IOIPG Foundation Berhad
  3. Other Public Companies
    – Executive Director of IOI Properties Berhad
    – Director of Resort Villa Golf Course Berhad
    – Director of Property Village Berhad