The ordinary shares of the Company carry all the rights and obligations set out in law and in the Constitution of the Company. As a shareholder of the Company, you have the right to:-
- receive notices of general meetings;
- attend and speak at general meetings in person;
- appoint a corporate representative or proxy who may or may not be shareholders of the Company to attend general meetings;
- vote and demand for a poll* on any resolutions tabled at general meetings under the Companies Act 2016 (the “Act”);
- requisite or convene general meeting pursuant to Sections 310 and 311 of the Act (if you are holding not less than 10% of the paid-up capital of the Company);
- Register of Directors, Managers and Secretaries;
- Registers of Members and Substantial Shareholders;
- Minutes of general meetings;
- Constitution and Audited Financial Statements;
- receive a copy of the annual report and/or audited financial statements;
- inspect the following statutory books and constitutional documents:-
- participate in any corporate actions that the Company may raise; and
- receive dividends as declared by the Board of Directors of the Company.
* A poll can be demanded before or on the declaration of the result of a show of hands by:
- the Chairman of the meeting;
- at least three (3) shareholders present in person or by proxy or by attorney or in the case of a corporation by a representative;
- a shareholder or shareholders present in person or by proxy or by attorney or in the case of a corporation by a representative and representing not less than one-tenth (1/10) of the total voting rights of all the shareholders having the right to vote at the meeting; or
- a shareholder or shareholders present in person or by proxy or by attorney or in the case of a corporation by a representative holding shares in the Company conferring a right to vote at the meeting being shares on which an aggregate sum has been paid-up equal to not less than one-tenth (1/10) of the total sum paid-up on all the shares conferring that right.