IOI’s Palm Oil Dashboard was launched online in December 2016. The Palm Oil Dashboard presents key information relating to our operations and suppliers. Furthermore, maps of our refineries and mills, as well as the latest news and relevant links are also available on the Palm Oil Dashboard.

4.31 MT/ Ha
(Industry Average = 3.14 MT)
Pukin Palm Oil Mill
Gomali Palm Oil Mill
Bukit Leelau Palm Oil Mill
Pamol Kluang Palm Oil Mill
Pamol Sabah Mill
Syarimo Mill
Sakilan Mill
Baturong Mill
Leepang Mill
Ladang Sabah Mill
Mayvin Mill
Morisem Mill
Unico Desa Mill
PT Sukses Karya
Sawit Mill
Direct & Indirect Sourcing
As of December 2023
Sourcing Regions
Origin of FFB Linked to IOI Refineries
As of December 2023
Origin of IOI Mills' FFB Supply
External supplier refers to third party plantations, dealers and smallholders.
As of December 2023
Origin of Supplier Mills' FFB Supply
External supplier refers to third party plantations, dealers and smallholders.
As of December 2023
Palm Oil
IOI Group Total
Palm Kernel Oil
IOI Group Total
Palm Oil
Palm Kernel Oil
Mills Assessment on NDPE Compliance
Mill Assessment 2023
Mill Prioritisation Profile (*2024)
i. Traceability To Plantation (TTP)
TTP score of 100% is targeted for each supplier. As such, priority in engagement is given to suppliers with scores of less than 100% or no TTP data provided, with the aim to improve their scoring.
ii. Deforestation threat level
Spatial data related to all suppliers are collected and the land use changes are analysed to prioritise the suppliers based on the risk rating. The tools and services involved are Global Forest Watch Pro and - MapHubs web application, in addition to satellite monitoring service by Starling - Earthworm Foundation and deforestation alert reports from multiple sources.
iii. History of supplier engagement activities
Suppliers are engaged via activities such as gap assessments, briefings and workshops to improve their NDPE compliance, with each engagement focusing on a specific topic to address the identified gaps.
iv. Status of action plans from supplier assessment
All suppliers are required to complete a self-assessment on NDPE compliance. The assessment tool (Tools for Transformation - T4T) helps to identify gaps in implementation and generates appropriate action plans. Subsequent engagement activities are planned based on the assessment results.
v. Amount of supply volume
Engagement plans are determined by the supply volume by suppliers. High volume suppliers are generally prioritised over low volume suppliers. However, engagement priority is also given to low volume suppliers who require support for improvement.
Based on these aspects, the suppliers can be categorised as high, medium or low priority mill. The prioritisation aims to direct our engagement efforts to the most appropriate group of suppliers. Suppliers in the high priority mill category are not the equivalent of high-risks suppliers, instead it signifies that there is room for improvement.
Palm Oil Traceability
Tracing the origins of our oil allows us to monitor and engage with our suppliers to ensure a more transparent and sustainable supply chain. IOI’s three-step palm oil verification approach requires that all mills and refineries in the supply chain disclose information such as GPS coordinates and ownership groups.

Engagement with Suppliers
IOI engages with new suppliers through a Pre-Qualification and screening process as articulated here to ensure the new suppliers meet IOI’s sustainability requirements. New suppliers are screened using social and environmental criteria to meet the essential NDPE commitments. IOI will not approve any new suppliers that are unable to commit to these requirements.
For existing suppliers, IOI has implemented and communicated a proactive mill-level programme. This programme supports the supplier companies to adopt sustainable practices that adhere to IOI’s SPOP commitments whilst providing guidance and resources towards the adoption of sustainability best practices.
Non-compliance with IOI’s SPOP will trigger engagement and if required, corrective action plans and re-evaluation of commercial relationships for repeated failures.
*IOI is using Starling Satellite Services to monitor our supply base for land use changes and deforestation.
Click on the links below to view our engagement with suppliers: -
Update on Aidenvironment / Earth Equaliser monitoring 30 April 2020 / 15 May 2020
Supplier NDPE T4T Progress Update No.2
NDPE and Responsible Production with IOI Mills and Estates
Engagement with Tanah Emas Mill
Supplier NDPE T4T Progress Update No.1