At IOI Corporation Berhad (IOI), the policies that we have devised to support our sustainability initiatives are reflective in our long-standing commitment to give back to our employees, surrounding communities and the environment, which serves as a support system as well as a base to our business operations.
Key Commitments of IOI
- Continue to be an active supporter of certification schemes such as RSPO, MSPO, ISCC and ISPO and work to strengthen their standards
- Mitigating climate change including progressively reduce Greenhouse Gas ("GHG") and enforcement of Zero Burning Policy
- Eliminate of all forms of illegal, forced, bonded, compulsory or child labour in our operations or supply chains and also follow responsible recruitment practices including not charging recruitment related fees
- Protection over High Conservation Values (HCV) and High Carbon Stock Approach (HCSA) areas in existing and new oil palm plantations;
- No deforestation, No peat, No exploitation (NDPE) and moratorium on deforestation since 2016
- Building a traceable and sustainable palm oil supply chain
- Strive for the highest levels of transparency and stakeholder engagement
While our IOI Group Sustainability Policy serves as the guiding document for our operations, the following are some of the main policies that we have conscientiously developed, signifying our deep-seated commitment towards the world we operate in.
Environment and Conservation
IOI stands firmly committed towards protection and enhancement of environmental values from the activities affected by our operations and supply chain. IOI has developed relevant policies and guidelines in support of the SPOP in management of major environmental concerns as below:-

Please click on the link below to view our environment and conservation-related policies:
Community and Social
Please click on the link below to view our community-related and social-related policies:

Responsible Sourcing
Please click on the link below for more info on our sustainable sourcing:
Technology for Sustainability
Please click on the link below to view our technology for sustainability: